This site was inspired in part because friends got to show off their pets. Being allergic to most pets, I've taken to adopting plants and action figures. This site covers the action figures, while another covers the plants.

I've always likened myself to a mad scientist where the plants are concerned. I start growing the annuals each February from seed, and nurture them meticulously. But alas they perish before the year is out.

Action figures are so much more accommodating. They don't need watering. They don't die. And I can still play mad scientist by posing them in amusing scenarios around the living room. Like the plants when they bloom, these figurines attract a lot of attention. By far they make the best conversation pieces.

Do I talk to my plants? Oh yeah. Who doesn't? I mean who among those with flourishing flora? Do I talk to my action figures? Well, not compulsively enough to cause worry, but just enough to be amusing. After all, muttering to inanimate objects is a time honored tradition among people with overactive imaginations. Why break with tradition?

It's possible that Paramount would like me to give them credit
for the visages & implied identities reminiscent of certain Star Trek
characters. Well, I would be remiss in not doing so. I don't know
who owns Steve the Crocodile Hunter. Probably Terri . . . heh

This site looks better in Netscape 4.7 and above. IE runs smaller
text for some dumb reason. Go ask Bill why. It's not my problem.