Tuvok sits on my printer and does nothing but watch TV. Just when you never expected to see a Vulcan fall prey to the lure of the idiot box...

He used to share his obsession with Kathryn, but his captain soon lost interest and resumed building her phaser rifle collection.

  Tom was secretly Chuckles' whipping boy until I found out about it and put a stop to that. But alas it was too late. Psychologically scarred, Tom spends all his time running holodeck simulations. Here he is with HIS friend Tom.

  Steve has kept Doc busy since his arrival in the winter of 2000. One "Crikey" out of him, & Doc grabs his medkit. I think the problem is that he came with three venomous snakes.

  Chuckles is our problem case. He delegated away missions for Kathryn. But after the Tom fiasco, he was stripped of his privileges and made to stand with the fine china. Now he refuses to budge, insisting that he too is porcelain. The others try to remind him that he's more wood wood than Wedgewood, but he ignores them. I guess you might say Chuckles isn't all he's cracked up to be.
